Common patterns

django-queryable-properties offers some fully implemented properties for common code patterns out of the box. All of them are class-based and parametrizable for their specific use case (while still supporting all Common property arguments) and are supposed to help remove boilerplate for recurring types of properties while making them usable in querysets at the same time.

Specialized properties

The properties in this category are designed for very specific use cases and are not based on annotations.

ValueCheckProperty: Checking a field for one or multiple specific values

Properties on model objects are often used to check if an attribute on a model instance contains a specific value (or one of multiple values). This is often done for fields with choices as it allows to implement the check for a certain choice value in one place instead of redefining it whenever the field should be checked for the value. However, the pattern is not limited to fields with choices.

Imagine that the ApplicationVersion example model would also contain a field that contains information about the type of release, e.g. if a certain version is an alpha, a beta, etc. It would be well-advised to use a field with choices for this value and to also define properties to check for the individual values to only define these checks once.

Without django-queryable-properties, the implementation could look similar to this:

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

class ApplicationVersion(models.Model):
    ALPHA = 'a'
    BETA = 'b'
    STABLE = 's'
        (ALPHA, _('Alpha')),
        (BETA, _('Beta')),
        (STABLE, _('Stable')),

    ...  # other fields
    release_type = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=RELEASE_TYPE_CHOICES)

    def is_alpha(self):
        return self.release_type == self.ALPHA

    def is_beta(self):
        return self.release_type == self.BETA

    def is_stable(self):
        return self.release_type == self.STABLE

    def is_unstable(self):
        return self.release_type in (self.ALPHA, self.BETA)

Instead of defining the properties like this, the property class could be used:

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from queryable_properties.managers import QueryablePropertiesManager
from import ValueCheckProperty

class ApplicationVersion(models.Model):
    ALPHA = 'a'
    BETA = 'b'
    STABLE = 's'
        (ALPHA, _('Alpha')),
        (BETA, _('Beta')),
        (STABLE, _('Stable')),

    ...  # other fields
    release_type = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=RELEASE_TYPE_CHOICES)

    objects = QueryablePropertiesManager()

    is_alpha = ValueCheckProperty('release_type', ALPHA)
    is_beta = ValueCheckProperty('release_type', BETA)
    is_stable = ValueCheckProperty('release_type', STABLE)
    is_unstable = ValueCheckProperty('release_type', ALPHA, BETA)

Instances of this property class take the path of the attribute to check as their first parameter in addition to any number of parameters that represent the values to check for - if one of them matches when the property is accessed on a model instance, the property will return True (otherwise False).

Not only does this property class allow to achieve the same functionality with less code, but it offers even more functionality due to being a queryable property. The class implements both queryset filtering as well as annotating (based on Django’s Case/When objects), so the properties can be used in querysets as well:

stable_versions = ApplicationVersion.objects.filter(is_stable=True)
non_alpha_versions = ApplicationVersion.objects.filter(is_alpha=False)

For a quick overview, the ValueCheckProperty offers the following queryable property features:










Yes (Django 1.8 or higher)



Attribute paths

The attribute path specified as the first parameter can not only be a simple field name like in the example above, but also a more complex path to an attribute using dot-notation - basically the same way as for Python’s operator.attrgetter. For queryset operations, the dots are then simply replaced by the lookup separator (__), so an attribute path my.attr becomes my__attr in queries.

This is especially useful to reach fields of related model instances via foreign keys, but it also allows to be more creative since the path simply needs to make sense both on the object-level as well as in queries. For example, a DateField may be defined as date_field = models.DateField(), which would allow a ValueCheckProperty to be set up with the path date_field.year. This works because the date object has an attribute year on the object-level and Django offers a year transform for querysets (so date_field__year does in fact work). However, this specific example requires at least Django 1.9 as older versions don’t allow to combine transforms and lookups. In general, this means that the attribute path does not have to refer to an actual field, which also means that it may refer to another queryable property (which needs to support the in lookup to be able to filter correctly).

Unlike Python’s operator.attrgetter, the property will also automatically catch some exceptions during getter access (if any of them occur, the property considers none of the configured values as matching):

  • AttributeError s if an intermediate object is None (e.g. if a path is a.b and the a attribute already returns None, then the attribute error when accessing b will be caught). This is intended to make working with nullable fields easier. Any other kind of AttributeError will still be raised.

  • Any ObjectDoesNotExist errors raised by Django, which are raised e.g. when accessing a reverse One-To-One relation with a missing value. This is intended to make working with these kinds of relations easier.

RangeCheckProperty: Checking if a value is contained in a range defined by two fields

A common pattern that uses a property is having a model with two attributes that define a lower and an upper limit and a property that checks if a certain value is contained in that range. These fields may be numerical fields (IntegerField, DecimalField, etc.) or something like date fields (DateField, DateTimeField, etc.) - basically anything that allows “greater than” and “lower than” comparisons.

As an example, the ApplicationVersion example model could contain two such date fields to express the period in which a certain app version is supported, which could look similar to this:

from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone

class ApplicationVersion(models.Model):
    ...  # other fields
    supported_from = models.DateTimeField()
    supported_until = models.DateTimeField()

    def is_supported(self):
        return self.supported_from <= <= self.supported_until

Instead of defining the properties like this, the property class could be used:

from django.db import models
from django.utils import timezone

from queryable_properties.managers import QueryablePropertiesManager
from import RangeCheckProperty

class ApplicationVersion(models.Model):
    ...  # other fields
    supported_from = models.DateTimeField()
    supported_until = models.DateTimeField()

    objects = QueryablePropertiesManager()

    is_supported = RangeCheckProperty('supported_from', 'supported_until',

Instances of this property class take the paths of the attributes for the lower and upper limits as their first and second arguments. Both values may also be more complex attribute paths in dot-notation - the same behavior as for the attribute path of ValueCheckProperty objects apply (refer to chapter Attribute paths above). If one of the limiting values is None or an exception is caught, the value is considered missing (see next sub- chapter). The third mandatory parameter for RangeCheckProperty objects is the value to check against, which may either be a static value or a callable that can be called without any argument and that returns the actual value ( in the example above), similar to the default option of Django’s model fields.

Not only does this property class allow to achieve the same functionality with less code, but it offers even more functionality due to being a queryable property. The class implements both queryset filtering as well as annotating (based on Django’s Case/When objects), so the properties can be used in querysets as well:

currently_supported = ApplicationVersion.objects.filter(is_supported=True)
not_supported = ApplicationVersion.objects.filter(is_supported=False)

For a quick overview, the RangeCheckProperty offers the following queryable property features:










Yes (Django 1.8 or higher)



Range configuration

RangeCheckProperty objects also allow further configuration to tweak the configured range via some optional parameters:


Determines if a value exactly equal to one of the limits is considered a part of the range (default: True).


Determines if a missing value for either boundary is considered part of the range (default: False).


Determines if the property should return True if the value is contained in the configured range (this is the default) or if it should return True if the value is outside of the range.

It should be noted that the include_boundaries and include_missing parameters are applied first to define the range (which values are considered inside the range between the two values) and the in_range parameter is applied afterwards to potentially invert the result (in the case of in_range=False). This means that setting include_missing=True defines that missing values are part of the range and a value of in_range=False would then invert this range, meaning that missing values would not lead to a value of True since they are configured to be in the range while the property is set up to return True for values outside of the range. For a quick reference, all possible configuration combinations are listed in the following table:




returns True for




  • Values in between boundaries (excl.)

  • The exact boundary values




  • Values in between boundaries (excl.)

  • The exact boundary values

  • Missing values




  • Values in between boundaries (excl.)




  • Values in between boundaries (excl.)

  • Missing values




  • Values outside of the boundaries (excl.)

  • Missing values




  • Values outside of the boundaries (excl.)




  • Values outside of the boundaries (excl.)

  • The exact boundary values

  • Missing values




  • Values outside of the boundaries (excl.)

  • The exact boundary values


The attribute paths passed to RangeCheckProperty may also refer to other queryable properties as long as these properties allow filtering with the lt/lte and gt/gte lookups (depending on the value of include_boundaries) and potentially the isnull lookup (depending on the value of include_missing).

MappingProperty: Mapping field values to other values

The property class streamlines a very simple pattern: mapping the values of an attribute (most likely a field) to different values. While there is nothing special about this on an object basis, it allows to introduce values into querysets that otherwise are not database values. The value mapping inside querysets is achieved using CASE/WHEN expressions based on Django’s Case/When objects, which means that this property class can only be properly used in Django versions that provide these features (1.8+).

A common use case for this might be to set up a MappingProperty that simply works with a choice field and uses the choice definitions themselves as its mappings. This allows to introduce the (most likely translatable) choice verbose names into the query, which in turn allows to order the queryset by the translated verbose names, providing sensible ordering no matter what language an application is used in.

For the release type values in an example above, this could look like this:

from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _

from queryable_properties.managers import QueryablePropertiesManager
from import MappingProperty

class ApplicationVersion(models.Model):
    ALPHA = 'a'
    BETA = 'b'
    STABLE = 's'
        (ALPHA, _('Alpha')),
        (BETA, _('Beta')),
        (STABLE, _('Stable')),

    ...  # other fields
    release_type = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=RELEASE_TYPE_CHOICES)

    objects = QueryablePropertiesManager()

    release_type_verbose_name = MappingProperty('release_type', models.CharField(), RELEASE_TYPE_CHOICES)

In a view, one could then perform a query similar to the following to order the ApplicationVersion objects by their translated verbose name, which may lead to a different ordering depending on the user’s language:


This is, however, not the only way MappingProperty objects can be used - any attribute values may be translated into any other values that can be represented in database queries and then used in querysets.

MappingProperty objects may be initialized with up to four parameters:

attribute_path (required)

An attribute path to the attribute whose values are to be mapped to other values - the same behavior as for the attribute path of ValueCheckProperty objects apply (refer to chapter Attribute paths above).

output_field (required)

A field instance that is used to represent the translated values in queries.

mappings (required)

Defines the actual mappings as an iterable of 2-tuples, where the first value is the expected attribute value and the second value is the translated value. This can be almost any type of iterable - it just needs to be able to be iterated multiple times as the whole iterable is evaluated any time the property is accessed on an object or in queries (generators are therefore not usable).

default (optional)

Defines a default value, which defaults to None. Whenever an attribute value is encountered that has no mapping via the third parameter, this default value is returned instead.


Whenever the mapping output values are actually accessed (by accessing the property on an object or by referencing it in a queryset), lazy values (like the translations in the example above) are evaluated. Property access or queryset references should therefore be performed as late as possible when dealing with lazy mapping values. For queryset operations, the translated values are also automatically wrapped in Value objects.


The attribute path passed to MappingProperty may also refer to another queryable property as long as this property allows filtering with the exact lookup.

For a quick overview, the MappingProperty offers the following queryable property features:








Yes (Django 1.8 or higher)


Yes (Django 1.8 or higher)



Annotation-based properties

The properties in this category are all Annotation-based properties, which means their getter implementation will also perform a database query. All of the listed properties therefore also take an additional cached argument in their initializer that allows to mark individual properties as having a Cached getter. This can improve performance since the query will only be executed on the first getter access at the cost of potentially not working with an up-to-date value.

AnnotationProperty: Static annotations

The property class represents the most simple common annotation-based property. It can be instanciated using any annotation and will use that annotation both in queries as well as to provide its getter value. This, however, means that the AnnotationProperty is only intended to be used with static/fixed annotations without any dynamic components as its objects are set up by passing the annotation to the initializer.

As an example, the version_str property from the annotation Implementation section could be reduced to (not recommended):

from django.db.models import Model, Value
from django.db.models.functions import Concat
from import AnnotationProperty

class ApplicationVersion(Model):
    ...  # other fields/properties

    version_str = AnnotationProperty(Concat('major', Value('.'), 'minor'))


This example is only supposed to demonstrate how to set up an AnnotationProperty. Implementing a Concat annotation like this is not recommended as even the getter will perform a query, even though concatenating field values on the object level could simply be done without involving the database.

For a quick overview, the AnnotationProperty offers the following queryable property features:













AggregateProperty: Simple aggregates

django-queryable-properties also comes with a property class for simple aggregates that simply takes an aggregate object and uses it for both queryset annotations as well as the getter. This is therefore not entirely different from the AnnotationProperty class shown above. The main difference between the two is that while AnnotationProperty uses QuerySet.annotate to query the getter value, AggregateProperty uses QuerySet.aggregate, which is slightly more efficient. Using AggregateProperty for aggregate annotations might also make code more clear/readable.

As an example, the Application model could receive a simple property that returns the number of versions like the one in the Implementation section of annotation-based properties. allows to implement this in an even more condensed form:

from django.db.models import Count, Model
from import AggregateProperty

class Application(Model):
    ...  # other fields/properties

    version_count = AggregateProperty(Count('versions'))


Since this property deals with aggregates, the notes Regarding aggregate annotations across relations apply when using such properties across relations in querysets.

For a quick overview, the AggregateProperty offers the following queryable property features:













Subquery-based properties (Django 1.11 or higher)

The properties in this category are all based on custom subqueries, i.e. they utilize Django’s Subquery objects. They are therefore Annotation-based properties, which means their getter implementation will also perform a database query. Due to the utilization of Subquery objects, these properties can only be used in conjunction with a Django version that supports custom subqueries, i.e. Django 1.11 or higher.

All subquery-based properties take a queryset that will be used to generate the custom subquery as their first argument. This queryset is always expected to be a regular queryset, i.e. not a Subquery object - the properties will build these objects on their own using the given queryset. The specified queryset can (and in most cases should) contain OuterRef objects to filter the subquery’s rows based on the outer query. These OuterRef objects will always be based on the model the property is defined on - all fields of that model or related fields starting from that model can therefore be referenced.

Instead of specifying a queryset directly, the subquery-based properties can also take a callable without any arguments as their first parameter, which in turn must return the queryset. This is useful in cases where the model class for the subquery’s queryset cannot be imported on the module level or is defined later in the same module.

SubqueryFieldProperty: Getting a field value from a subquery

The property class allows to retrieve the value of any field from the specified subquery. The field does not have to be a static model field, but may also be an annotated field (which can even be used to work around the problem described in Regarding aggregate annotations across relations) or even a queryable property as long as it was selected as described in Selecting annotations.

Based on the version_str property for the ApplicationVersion shown in the Implementation documentation for annotatable properties, an example property could be implemented for the Application model that determines the highest version for each application via a subquery:

from django.db import models
from import SubqueryFieldProperty

class Application(models.Model):
    ...  # other fields/properties

    highest_version = SubqueryFieldProperty(
                                   .order_by('-major', '-minor')),
        field_name='version_str',  # The field to extract the property value from
        output_field=models.CharField()  # Only required in cases where Django can't determine the type on its own


Since the property can only return a single value per object, the subquery is limited to the first row (the specified queryset and field name is essentially transformed into Subquery(queryset.values(field_name)[:1])). If a subquery returns multiple rows, it should therefore be ordered in a way that puts the desired value into the first row.

For a quick overview, the SubqueryFieldProperty offers the following queryable property features:













SubqueryExistenceCheckProperty: Checking whether or not certain objects exist via a subquery

The property class is similar to the mentioned above, but can be used to perform any kind of existence check via a subquery. The objects whose existence is to be determined does therefore not have to be related to the class the property is defined on via a ForeignKey or another relation field.

To perform this check, the given queryset is wrapped into an Exists object, which may also be negated using the property’s negated argument.

For an example use case, certain applications may be so popular that they receive their own category with the same name as the application. To determine whether or not an application has its own category, a SubqueryExistenceCheckProperty could be used:

from django.db import models
from import SubqueryExistenceCheckProperty

class Application(models.Model):
    ...  # other fields/properties

    has_own_category = SubqueryExistenceCheckProperty(Category.objects.filter(name=models.OuterRef('name')))

For a quick overview, the SubqueryExistenceCheckProperty offers the following queryable property features:











