Source code for

# encoding: utf-8

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial

import six

from ..compat import LOOKUP_SEP, pretty_name
from ..exceptions import QueryablePropertyError
from ..utils import get_queryable_property, reset_queryable_property
from ..utils.internal import parametrizable_decorator_method
from .cache_behavior import CLEAR_CACHE
from .mixins import AnnotationGetterMixin, AnnotationMixin, LookupFilterMixin

RESET_METHOD_NAME = 'reset_property'

class QueryablePropertyDescriptor(property):
    Descriptor class for queryable properties that allows the actual attribute
    access on model instances and handles caching.

    This class deliberately inherits from property to be treated like regular
    properties by Django, e.g. to allow queryable properties with a setter to
    be used in the initializer kwargs of models.

    def __new__(cls, prop):
        Construct a new QueryablePropertyDescriptor for the given queryable

        :param prop: The queryable property to allow attribute access for.
        :type prop: QueryableProperty
        descriptor = super(QueryablePropertyDescriptor, cls).__new__(cls, doc=prop.__doc__)
        descriptor.prop = prop
        return descriptor

    def __get__(self, obj, objtype=None):
        if obj is None:
            return self

        # Always check for cached values first regardless of the associated
        # property being configured as cached since values will also be cached
        # through annotation selections.
        if self.has_cached_value(obj):
            return self.get_cached_value(obj)
        if not self.prop.get_value:
            raise AttributeError('Unreadable queryable property.')
        value = self.prop.get_value(obj)
        if self.prop.cached:
            self.set_cached_value(obj, value)
        return value

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        # Values set while initializing new objects from DB values should
        # always be cached regardless of the actual setter.
        if getattr(obj, QUERYING_PROPERTIES_MARKER, False):
            self.set_cached_value(obj, value)
        if not self.prop.set_value:
            raise AttributeError("Can't set queryable property.")
        return_value = self.prop.set_value(obj, value)
        # If a value is set and the property is set up to cache values or has
        # a current cached value, invoke the configured setter cache behavior.
        if self.prop.cached or self.has_cached_value(obj):
            self.prop.setter_cache_behavior(self, obj, value, return_value)

    def __str__(self):
        return six.text_type(self.prop)

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, six.text_type(self))

    def get_cached_value(self, obj):
        Get the cached value for the associated queryable property from the
        given object. Requires a cached value to be present.

        :param django.db.models.Model obj: The object to get the cached value
        :return: The cached value.
        return obj.__dict__[]

    def set_cached_value(self, obj, value):
        Set the cached value for the associated queryable property on the given

        :param django.db.models.Model obj: The object to set the cached value
        :param value: The value to cache.
        obj.__dict__[] = value

    def has_cached_value(self, obj):
        Check if a value for the associated queryable property is cached on the
        given object.

        :param django.db.models.Model obj: The object to check for a cached
        :return: True if a value is cached; otherwise False.
        :rtype: bool
        return in obj.__dict__

    def clear_cached_value(self, obj):
        Clear the cached value for the associated queryable property on the
        given object. Does not require a cached value to be present and will
        do nothing if no value is cached.

        :param django.db.models.Model obj: The object to clear the cached value
        obj.__dict__.pop(, None)

[docs] @six.python_2_unicode_compatible class QueryableProperty(object): """ Base class for all queryable property definitions, which provide methods for single object as well as queryset interaction. """ cached = False #: Determines if the result of the getter is cached, like Python's/Django's ``cached_property``. setter_cache_behavior = CLEAR_CACHE #: Determines what happens if the setter of a cached property is used. filter_requires_annotation = False #: Determines if using the property to filter requires annotating first. # Set the attributes of mixin methods to None for easier checks if a # property implements them. set_value = None get_annotation = None get_update_kwargs = None def __init__(self, verbose_name=None): """ Initialize a new queryable property. :param str verbose_name: An optional verbose name of the property. If not provided it defaults to a prettified version of the property's name. """ self.model = None = None self.setter_cache_behavior = six.get_method_function(self.setter_cache_behavior) self.verbose_name = verbose_name def __reduce__(self): # Since queryable property instances only make sense in the context of # model classes, they can simply be pickled using their model class and # name and loaded back from the model class when unpickling. This also # saves memory as unpickled properties will be the exact same object as # the one on the model class. return get_queryable_property, (self.model, def __str__(self): return '.'.join((self.model.__module__, self.model.__name__, def __repr__(self): return '<{}: {}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, six.text_type(self)) @property def short_description(self): """ Return the verbose name of this property as its short description, which is required for the admin integration. :return: The verbose name of this property. :rtype: str """ return self.verbose_name
[docs] def get_value(self, obj): # pragma: no cover """ Getter method for the queryable property, which will be called when the property is read-accessed. :param django.db.models.Model obj: The object on which the property was accessed. :return: The getter value. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_filter(self, cls, lookup, value): # pragma: no cover """ Generate a :class:`django.db.models.Q` object that emulates filtering a queryset using this property. :param type cls: The model class of which a queryset should be filtered. :param str lookup: The lookup to use for the filter (e.g. 'exact', 'lt', etc.) :param value: The value passed to the filter condition. :return: A Q object to filter using this property. :rtype: django.db.models.Q """ raise NotImplementedError()
def contribute_to_class(self, cls, name): if LOOKUP_SEP in name: raise QueryablePropertyError('The name of a queryable property must not contain the lookup separator "{}".' .format(LOOKUP_SEP)) # Store some useful values on model class initialization. self.model = self.model or cls = or name if self.verbose_name is None: self.verbose_name = pretty_name( setattr(cls, name, QueryablePropertyDescriptor(self)) # Add a descriptor for this property to the model class # If not already set, also add a method to the model class that allows # to reset the cached values of queryable properties. if not getattr(cls, RESET_METHOD_NAME, None): setattr(cls, RESET_METHOD_NAME, reset_queryable_property)
[docs] class queryable_property(QueryableProperty): """ A queryable property that is intended to be used as a decorator. """ # Set the attributes of the default methods to None since the decorator # may be used without implementing these methods. get_value = None get_filter = None def __init__(self, getter=None, cached=None, annotation_based=False, **kwargs): """ Initialize a new queryable property, optionally using the given getter method and getter configuration. :param function getter: The method to decorate. :param cached: Determines if values obtained by the getter should be cached (similar to ``cached_property``). A value of None means using the default value. :type cached: bool | None :param annotation_based: If True, the :class:`AnnotationGetterMixin` is automatically added to this property to define a getter implementation and this property is expected to decorate the annotater method instead of the getter. If False, property is expected to decorate the getter method. :type annotation_based: bool """ super(queryable_property, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.__doc__ = None if getter: self(getter, force_getter=True) if cached is not None: self.cached = cached if annotation_based: AnnotationGetterMixin.inject_into_object(self) def __call__(self, method, force_getter=False): # Since the initializer may be used as a parametrized decorator, the # resulting object will be called to apply the decorator. if force_getter or not isinstance(self, AnnotationGetterMixin): self.get_value = method else: self.get_annotation = self._extract_function(method) self.__doc__ = method.__doc__ or self.__doc__ return self def _extract_function(self, method_or_function): """ Extract the function from the given function or method. Allows to decorate either regular functions or e.g. classmethods with the decorators of this property. :param method_or_function: The decorated method or function. :type method_or_function: function | classmethod | staticmethod :return: The actual function object. """ return getattr(method_or_function, '__func__', method_or_function) def _clone(self, **kwargs): """ Clone this queryable property while overriding attributes. This is necessary whenever an additional decorator is used to not mess up in inheritance scenarios. :param kwargs: Attributes to override. :return: A (modified) clone of this queryable property. :rtype: queryable_property """ attrs = deepcopy(self.__dict__) attrs.update(kwargs) clone = self.__class__() clone.__dict__.update(attrs) return clone
[docs] @parametrizable_decorator_method def getter(self, method, cached=None): """ Decorator for a function or method that is used as the getter of this queryable property. May be used as a parameter-less decorator (``@getter``) or as a decorator with keyword arguments (``@getter(cached=True)``). :param function method: The method to decorate. :param cached: If ``True``, values returned by the decorated getter method will be cached. A value of None means no change. :type cached: bool | None :return: A cloned queryable property. :rtype: queryable_property """ clone = self._clone() if cached is not None: clone.cached = cached return clone(method, force_getter=True)
[docs] @parametrizable_decorator_method def setter(self, method, cache_behavior=None): """ Decorator for a function or method that is used as the setter of this queryable property. May be used as a parameter-less decorator (``@setter``) or as a decorator with keyword arguments (``@setter(cache_behavior=DO_NOTHING)``). :param function method: The method to decorate. :param cache_behavior: A function that defines how the setter interacts with cached values. A value of None means no change. :type cache_behavior: function | None :return: A cloned queryable property. :rtype: queryable_property """ attrs = dict(set_value=method) if cache_behavior: attrs['setter_cache_behavior'] = cache_behavior return self._clone(**attrs)
[docs] @parametrizable_decorator_method def filter(self, method, requires_annotation=None, lookups=None, boolean=False, remaining_lookups_via_parent=None): """ Decorator for a function or method that is used to generate a filter for querysets to emulate filtering by this queryable property. May be used as a parameter-less decorator (``@filter``) or as a decorator with keyword arguments (``@filter(requires_annotation=False)``). May be used to define a one-for-all filter function or a filter function that will be called for certain lookups only using the ``lookups`` argument. :param method: The method to decorate. :type method: function | classmethod | staticmethod :param requires_annotation: ``True`` if filtering using this queryable property requires its annotation to be applied first; otherwise ``False``. None if this information should not be changed. :type requires_annotation: bool | None :param lookups: If given, the decorated function or method will be used for the specified lookup(s) only. Automatically adds the :class:`LookupFilterMixin` to this property if this is used. :type lookups: collections.Iterable[str] | None :param boolean: If ``True``, the decorated function or method is expected to be a simple boolean filter, which doesn't take the ``lookup`` and ``value`` parameters and should always return a ``Q`` object representing the positive (i.e. ``True``) filter case. The decorator will automatically negate the condition if the filter was called with a ``False`` value. :type boolean: bool :param remaining_lookups_via_parent: ``True`` if lookup-based filters should fall back to the base class implementation for lookups without a registered filter function; otherwise ``False``. None if this information should not be changed. :type remaining_lookups_via_parent: bool :return: A cloned queryable property. :rtype: queryable_property """ method = extracted = self._extract_function(method) if boolean: if lookups is not None: raise QueryablePropertyError('A boolean filter cannot specify lookups at the same time.') # Re-use the boolean_filter decorator by simulating a method with # a self argument when in reality `method` doesn't have one. method = LookupFilterMixin.boolean_filter(lambda prop, model: extracted(model)) lookups = method._lookups method = partial(method, None) if remaining_lookups_via_parent is not None and not hasattr(self, 'lookup_mappings') and lookups is None: raise QueryablePropertyError('remaining_lookups_via_parent can only be used with lookup-based filters.') attrs = {} if requires_annotation is not None: attrs['filter_requires_annotation'] = requires_annotation if remaining_lookups_via_parent is not None: attrs['remaining_lookups_via_parent'] = remaining_lookups_via_parent if lookups is not None: # Register only for the given lookups. attrs['lookup_mappings'] = dict(getattr(self, 'lookup_mappings', {}), **{lookup: method for lookup in lookups}) else: # Register as a one-for-all filter function. attrs['get_filter'] = method clone = self._clone(**attrs) # If the decorated function/method is used for certain lookups only, # add the LookupFilterMixin into the new property to be able to reuse # its filter implementation based on the lookup mappings. if lookups is not None: LookupFilterMixin.inject_into_object(clone) return clone
[docs] def annotater(self, method): """ Decorator for a function or method that is used to generate an annotation to represent this queryable property in querysets. The :class:`AnnotationMixin` will automatically applied to this property when this decorator is used. :param method: The method to decorate. :type method: function | classmethod | staticmethod :return: A cloned queryable property. :rtype: queryable_property """ clone = self._clone(get_annotation=self._extract_function(method)) # Dynamically add the AnnotationMixin into the new property to allow # to use the default filter implementation. Since an explicitly set # filter implementation is stored in the instance dict, it will be used # over the default implementation. return AnnotationMixin.inject_into_object(clone)
[docs] def updater(self, method): """ Decorator for a function or method that is used to resolve an update keyword argument for this queryable property into the actual update keyword arguments. :param method: The method to decorate. :type method: function | classmethod | staticmethod :return: A cloned queryable property. :rtype: queryable_property """ return self._clone(get_update_kwargs=self._extract_function(method))