Source code for

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from functools import wraps

import six
from django.db.models import BooleanField

from ..exceptions import QueryablePropertyError
from ..managers import QueryablePropertiesQuerySetMixin
from ..utils.internal import InjectableMixin, QueryPath

REMAINING_LOOKUPS = '*'  #: A Constant that can be used instead of lookup names to match all remaining lookups.

class LookupFilterMeta(type):
    Metaclass for classes that use the :class:`LookupFilterMixin` to detect the
    individual registered filter methods and make them available to the main
    filter method.

    def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs):
        # Find all methods that have been marked with lookups via the
        # `lookup_filter` decorator.
        mappings = {}
        for attr_name, attr in six.iteritems(attrs):
            if callable(attr) and hasattr(attr, '_lookups'):
                for lookup in attr._lookups:
                    mappings[lookup] = attr_name

        # Let the class construction take care of the lookup mappings of the
        # base class(es) and add the ones from the current class to them.
        cls = super(LookupFilterMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs)
        cls._lookup_mappings = dict(cls._lookup_mappings, **mappings)
        return cls

[docs] class LookupFilterMixin(six.with_metaclass(LookupFilterMeta, InjectableMixin)): """ A mixin for queryable properties that allows to implement queryset filtering via individual methods for different lookups. """ # Avoid overriding the __reduce__ implementation of queryable properties. _dynamic_pickling = False # Stores mappings of lookups to the names of their corresponding filter # functions. _lookup_mappings = {} remaining_lookups_via_parent = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.lookup_mappings = {lookup: getattr(self, name) for lookup, name in six.iteritems(self._lookup_mappings)} super(LookupFilterMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def lookup_filter(cls, *lookups): """ Decorator for individual filter methods of classes that use the :class:`LookupFilterMixin` to register the decorated methods for the given lookups. :param str lookups: The lookups to register the decorated method for. :return: The actual internal decorator. :rtype: function """ def decorator(func): func._lookups = lookups # Store the lookups on the function to be able to read them in the meta class. return func return decorator
[docs] @classmethod def boolean_filter(cls, method): """ Decorator for individual filter methods of classes that use the :class:`LookupFilterMixin` to register the methods that are simple boolean filters (i.e. the filter can only be called with a ``True`` or ``False`` value). This automatically restricts the usable lookups to ``exact``. Decorated methods should not expect the ``lookup`` and ``value`` parameters and should always return a ``Q`` object representing the positive (i.e. ``True``) filter case. The decorator will automatically negate the condition if the filter was called with a ``False`` value. :param function method: The method to decorate. :return: The decorated method. :rtype: function """ @wraps(method) def filter_wrapper(self, model, lookup, value): """Actual filter method that negates the condition if required.""" condition = method(self, model) if not value: condition.negate() return condition lookup_decorator = cls.lookup_filter('exact') return lookup_decorator(filter_wrapper)
def get_filter(self, cls, lookup, value): # Resolve the correct method to call for the given lookup in this order: # 1. Check if there is an explicit method for the given lookup. # 2. Check if a method is configured for REMAINING_LOOKUPS. # 3. Check if a fallback to the parent class implementation is allowed. method = self.lookup_mappings.get(lookup) or self.lookup_mappings.get(REMAINING_LOOKUPS) if not method: if not self.remaining_lookups_via_parent: raise QueryablePropertyError( 'Queryable property "{prop}" does not implement filtering with lookup "{lookup}".' .format(prop=self, lookup=lookup) ) method = super(LookupFilterMixin, self).get_filter return method(cls, lookup, value)
# Aliases to allow the usage of the decorators without the "LookupFilterMixin." # prefix. boolean_filter = LookupFilterMixin.boolean_filter lookup_filter = LookupFilterMixin.lookup_filter
[docs] class SetterMixin(object): """ A mixin for queryable properties that also define a setter. """
[docs] def set_value(self, obj, value): # pragma: no cover """ Setter method for the queryable property, which will be called when the property is write-accessed. :param django.db.models.Model obj: The object on which the property was accessed. :param value: The value to set. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] class AnnotationMixin(InjectableMixin): """ A mixin for queryable properties that allows to add an annotation to represent them to querysets. """ # Avoid overriding the __reduce__ implementation of queryable properties. _dynamic_pickling = False filter_requires_annotation = True @property def admin_order_field(self): """ Return the field name for the ordering in the admin, which is simply the property's name since it's annotatable. :return: The field name for ordering in the admin. :rtype: str """ return
[docs] def get_annotation(self, cls): # pragma: no cover """ Construct an annotation representing this property that can be added to querysets of the model associated with this property. :param type cls: The model class of which a queryset should be annotated. :return: An annotation object. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def get_filter(self, cls, lookup, value): # Since annotations can be filtered like regular fields, a Q object # that simply passes the filter through can be used. return (QueryPath( + lookup).build_filter(value)
[docs] class AnnotationGetterMixin(AnnotationMixin): """ A mixin for queryable properties that support annotation and use their annotation even to provide the value for their getter (i.e. perform a query to retrieve the getter value). """ def __init__(self, cached=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize a new queryable property based that uses the :class:`AnnotationGetterMixin`. :param cached: Determines if values obtained by the getter should be cached (similar to ``cached_property``). A value of None means using the default value. """ super(AnnotationGetterMixin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if cached is not None: self.cached = cached def get_value(self, obj): queryset = self.get_queryset_for_object(obj).distinct().select_properties( return queryset.values_list(, flat=True).get()
[docs] def get_queryset(self, model): """ Construct a base queryset for the given model class that can be used to build queries in property code. :param model: The model class to build the queryset for. """ # Inject the mixin to be able to use select_properties in the getter. return QueryablePropertiesQuerySetMixin.inject_into_object(model._base_manager.all())
[docs] def get_queryset_for_object(self, obj): """ Construct a base queryset that can be used to retrieve the getter value for the given object. :param django.db.models.Model obj: The object to build the queryset for. :return: A base queryset for the correct model that is already filtered for the given object. :rtype: django.db.models.QuerySet """ return self.get_queryset(obj.__class__).filter(
[docs] class UpdateMixin(object): """ A mixin for queryable properties that allows to use themselves in update queries. """
[docs] def get_update_kwargs(self, cls, value): # pragma: no cover """ Resolve an update keyword argument for this property into the actual keyword arguments to emulate an update using this property. :param type cls: The model class of which an update query should be performed. :param value: The value passed to the update call for this property. :return: The actual keyword arguments to set in the update call instead of the given one. :rtype: dict """ raise NotImplementedError()
class BooleanMixin(LookupFilterMixin): """ Internal mixin class for common properties that return boolean values, which is intended to be used in conjunction with one of the annotation mixins. """ filter_requires_annotation = False def _get_condition(self, cls): # pragma: no cover """ Build the query filter condition for this boolean property, which is used for both the filter and the annotation implementation. :param type cls: The model class of which a queryset should be filtered or annotated. :return: The filter condition for this property. :rtype: django.db.models.Q """ raise NotImplementedError() @boolean_filter def get_exact_filter(self, cls): return self._get_condition(cls) def get_annotation(self, cls): from django.db.models import Case, When return Case( When(self._get_condition(cls), then=True), default=False, output_field=BooleanField() ) class SubqueryMixin(AnnotationGetterMixin): """ Internal mixin class for common properties that are based on custom subqueries. """ def __init__(self, queryset, **kwargs): """ Initialize a new subquery-based queryable property. :param queryset: The internal queryset to use as the subquery or a callable without arguments that generates the internal queryset. :type queryset: django.db.models.QuerySet | function """ self.queryset = queryset super(SubqueryMixin, self).__init__(**kwargs) def _build_subquery(self, queryset): # pragma: no cover """ Build the subquery annotation that should be used to represent this queryable property in querysets. :param django.db.models.QuerySet queryset: The internal queryset to base the annotation on. :return: The subquery annotation. :rtype: django.db.models.expressions.Subquery """ raise NotImplementedError() def get_annotation(self, cls): queryset = self.queryset if callable(queryset): queryset = queryset() return self._build_subquery(queryset)