Source code for

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import operator

import six
from django.db.models import Field

from ..utils.internal import MISSING_OBJECT, ModelAttributeGetter
from .base import QueryableProperty
from .mixins import AnnotationMixin, BooleanMixin

[docs] class ValueCheckProperty(BooleanMixin, AnnotationMixin, QueryableProperty): """ A property that checks if an attribute of a model instance or a related object contains a certain value or one of multiple specified values and returns a corresponding boolean value. Supports queryset filtering and ``CASE``/``WHEN``-based annotating. """ def __init__(self, attribute_path, *values, **kwargs): """ Initialize a new property that checks for certain field values. :param str attribute_path: The name of the attribute to compare against. May also be a more complex path to a related attribute using dot-notation (like with :func:`operator.attrgetter`). If an intermediate value on the path is None, it will be treated as "no match" instead of raising an exception. The behavior is the same if an intermediate value raises an ObjectDoesNotExist error. :param values: The value(s) to check for. """ self.attribute_getter = ModelAttributeGetter(attribute_path) self.values = values super(ValueCheckProperty, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_value(self, obj): return self.attribute_getter.get_value(obj) in self.values
def _get_condition(self, cls): return self.attribute_getter.build_filter('in', self.values)
[docs] class RangeCheckProperty(BooleanMixin, AnnotationMixin, QueryableProperty): """ A property that checks if a static or dynamic value is contained in a range expressed by two field values and returns a corresponding boolean value. Supports queryset filtering and ``CASE``/``WHEN``-based annotating. """ def __init__(self, min_attribute_path, max_attribute_path, value, include_boundaries=True, in_range=True, include_missing=False, **kwargs): """ Initialize a new property that checks if a value is contained in a range expressed by two field values. :param str min_attribute_path: The name of the attribute to get the lower boundary from. May also be a more complex path to a related attribute using dot-notation (like with :func:`operator.attrgetter`). If an intermediate value on the path is None, it will be treated as a missing value instead of raising an exception. The behavior is the same if an intermediate value raises an ``ObjectDoesNotExist`` error. :param str max_attribute_path: The name of the attribute to get the upper boundary from. The same behavior as for the lower boundary applies. :param value: The value which is tested against the boundary. May be a callable which can be called without any arguments, whose return value will then be used as the test value. :param bool include_boundaries: Whether or not the value is considered a part of the range if it is exactly equal to one of the boundaries. :param bool in_range: Configures whether the property should return ``True`` if the value is in range (``in_range=True``) or if it is out of the range (``in_range=False``). This also affects the impact of the ``include_boundaries`` and ``include_missing`` parameters. :param bool include_missing: Whether or not a missing value is considered a part of the range (see the description of ``min_attribute_path``). Useful e.g. for nullable fields. """ self.min_attribute_getter = ModelAttributeGetter(min_attribute_path) self.max_attribute_getter = ModelAttributeGetter(max_attribute_path) self.value = value self.include_boundaries = include_boundaries self.in_range = in_range self.include_missing = include_missing super(RangeCheckProperty, self).__init__(**kwargs) @property def final_value(self): value = self.value if callable(value): value = value() return value
[docs] def get_value(self, obj): value = self.final_value min_value = self.min_attribute_getter.get_value(obj) max_value = self.max_attribute_getter.get_value(obj) lower_operator = operator.le if self.include_boundaries else greater_operator = if self.include_boundaries else contained = self.include_missing if min_value in (None, MISSING_OBJECT) else greater_operator(value, min_value) contained &= self.include_missing if max_value in (None, MISSING_OBJECT) else lower_operator(value, max_value) return not (contained ^ self.in_range)
def _get_condition(self, cls): value = self.final_value lower_condition = self.min_attribute_getter.build_filter('lte' if self.include_boundaries else 'lt', value) upper_condition = self.max_attribute_getter.build_filter('gte' if self.include_boundaries else 'gt', value) if self.include_missing: lower_condition |= self.min_attribute_getter.build_filter('isnull', True) upper_condition |= self.max_attribute_getter.build_filter('isnull', True) if not self.in_range: return ~lower_condition | ~upper_condition return lower_condition & upper_condition
[docs] class MappingProperty(AnnotationMixin, QueryableProperty): """ A property that translates values of an attribute into other values using defined mappings. """ # Copy over Django's implementation to forcibly evaluate a lazy value. _force_value = six.get_unbound_function(Field.get_prep_value) def __init__(self, attribute_path, output_field, mappings, default=None, **kwargs): """ Initialize a property that maps values from an attribute to other values. :param str attribute_path: The name of the attribute to compare against. May also be a more complex path to a related attribute using dot-notation (like with :func:`operator.attrgetter`). If an intermediate value on the path is None, it will be treated as "no match" instead of raising an exception. The behavior is the same if an intermediate value raises an ``ObjectDoesNotExist`` error. :param django.db.models.Field output_field: The field to represent the mapped values in querysets. :param mappings: An iterable containing 2-tuples that represent the mappings to use (the first value of each tuple is mapped to the second value). :type mappings: collections.Iterable[(object, object)] :param default: A default value to return/use in querysets when in case none of the mappings match an encountered value. Defaults to None. """ super(MappingProperty, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.attribute_getter = ModelAttributeGetter(attribute_path) self.output_field = output_field self.mappings = mappings self.default = default
[docs] def get_value(self, obj): attibute_value = self.attribute_getter.get_value(obj) for from_value, to_value in self.mappings: if attibute_value == from_value: return self._force_value(to_value) return self._force_value(self.default)
[docs] def get_annotation(self, cls): from django.db.models import Case, Value, When cases = (When(self.attribute_getter.build_filter('exact', from_value), then=Value(self._force_value(to_value))) for from_value, to_value in self.mappings) return Case(*cases, default=Value(self._force_value(self.default)), output_field=self.output_field)